Burnout is easy! Balance takes skill!
Meditation, quite literally, saved my life.
In 2011, I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. I was fit and healthy, working on my MBA and preparing to study in Argentina. It seemed like I was at the top of my game, but I was also working too many hours, unfulfilled by my job and constantly striving toward outside validation and success, as well as facing the relationship challenges of having my husband deployed.
When I was diagnosed, I was in shock and denial. I was also angry at my body for betraying me, upset I was dependent on insulin, scared of what this meant for becoming a mother, and disappointed in myself for this misconstrued “weakness.” Every time I checked my blood sugar and got a “bad” reading, I cursed myself. I awaited the reading with anxiousness. This self-judgment and criticism were unhealthy for me, my body, my career and my relationships.
I learned . .
We can’t heal with hatred.
We can’t expand with fear.
We can’t receive love without self-love.
We can’t be happy without self-compassion.
Hatred, fear, judgment, and comparison, will never bring health, happiness or success.
It took time, but I learned the skills to cultivate love, compassion and confidence. Because only through love can we heal.
I discovered a foundational holistic practice that not only gives me more clarity to live my purpose, but also a wellspring of joy, compassion and courage. Devoted to this practice, I have overcome chronic health issues, birthed two wonderfully healthy babies (albeit my baby boy was 11lbs12oz!!), created a flourishing business, gained skills to thrive in the face of motherhood, identity crisis, deployments, and all of life’s uncertainties.
I have created a mastery of life program that systematically guides women like you to access deep healing, develop your intuition, tap into creativity, improve clarity and confidence so you can create a life you love!